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Using Math and

Statistics in Business

We use math every day, in our personal and business lives. A fundamental knowledge of shape and mass provide us with the information we need to plan space and storage needs, while an understanding of how information can be collected and applied to our work allows us to work more effectively and efficiently. Math is also fundamental to understanding finances, and employing these skills allows you to calculate interest rates and determine costs and revenue.

What you will learn:

  • Shapes and Mass
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Using Math for Financial Aspects

Delivery Mechanism:

Using Math and Statistics in Business
Using Math and Statistics in Business
Using Math and Statistics in Business
Using Math and Statistics in Business

What do you get out of it?

Using Math and Statistics in Business
Using Math and Statistics in Business
Using Math and Statistics in Business
This course is endorsed by SAPICS
This course is endorsed by SAPICS

Who can sign up?

Anyone with a Level 3 skills standard or higher.

What do we need from you?

  • Certified ID copy
  • Certified copy of highest qualification

Who is this course for?

Individuals looking to start their own businesses.

Anyone looking to gain a better understanding of the application of math and statistics in a business environment.

